The laboratory of comic book creator Tim West
So, you want awesome comic cover shots? Read on...
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Boost your comic marketing with these amazing 3D cover shots.
Promoting your comic is one the hardest tasks in the comic creation process. Add some oomph to your sales pitch with stand-out cover shots on your comic or graphic novel.
Graphic Novel 1
Graphic Novel 2
Graphic Novel 3
Graphic Novel 4
Graphic Novel 5
Graphic Novel 6
Comic Book 1
Comic Book 2
Comic Book 3
Comic Book 4
Comic Book 5
Comic Book 6


Use the form below to order your cover shots.

Once done you will receive an email confirming the order. Simply reply to the email with your images as attachments and list the 5 cover shots (eg. Comic Book 5, 3, 1 & Graphic Novel 4, 5) you would like.

Your cover shots will be created and the .png files sent back to you within 48 hours.


"I love these cover images."

Darrin O-Toole

(Writer of Tales from the Void)

"Awesome pics. They really make a difference."

Hobbes LaVey

(Writer of Cello)

"These look the business!"

Geoff McGrath

(Creator of Tales from the Udderverse)


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Tim West | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

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